Freedom From and Freedom To is an exploration and celebration of artistic circumstance. Movement and sound improvisors from all around Chicago gather in front of a live audience, where they are grouped by chance. Each group performs an improvised set. We fuse diverse artistic backgrounds and practices to create unique and fleeting worlds.
Ishmael Ali, Hunter Diamond, Carol Genetti, Bill Harris, Oli Harris, Molly Jones, Mabel Kwan, Joey Meland, Alen Moore, Luc Mosley, Julian Otis, Ivan Pyzow, Eli Sabbagh, Mai Sugimoto, Wilson Tanner Smith, Marvin Tate, Adam Zanolini, Ben Zucker
Goldgrrl , Irene Hsiao, Helen Lee, Gaby Martinez, Felix Mayes, Wannapa P-Eubanks, Erin Peisert, Harlan Rosen, Cristal Sabbagh, Aurora Tabar, Sara Zalek.